Barani (Marc)
After studying architecture and scenography, Marc Barani completes his course with anthropology studes that led him to spend one year in Nepal. Marc Barani founds his agency in 1989with Brigitte Fryland, scenographer, and starts his activity with the extension of the Saint-Pancrace cemetery in Roquebrune-Cap-Martin, followed by the restoration of the Le Corbusier Cabanon. His team is diverse and gathers architects, scenographers, designers and landscape designers. Marc Barani created many projects in a close relationship to contemporary art, such as the art center of Crestet, educational workshops at Mouans-Sartoux, or the digital arts creation studio at the Ecole pilote internationale d’art et de recherche of Nice. The Marc Barani workshop is currently working on the Centre de Congrès of Nancy, a car park at the Nice airport, social housing in Rennes, urban infrastructures – such as the crossing of the Loire in Nantes -, a library in Tripoli and Rafic Hariri’s memorial tomb in Beirut. Marc Barani taught architecture from 1993 to 2003, at the École spéciale d’architecture de Paris, the École d’architecture Marseille-Luminy, the École nationale supérieure de création industrielle de Paris, the École méditerranéenne des Jardins et du Paysage de Grasse, and the École pilote internationale d’art et de recherche, Villa Arson, à Nice. In 2008, Marc Barani was rewarded the Equerre d’Argent prize for the tramway station of Nice.