Hyber (Fabrice)
All of Fabrice Hyber’s work is conceived in the form of a giant rhizome, the growth of which is based on echoes. The artist uses accumulation, hybridisation and mutation to create constant shifts between extremely varied domains. Each work is just an intermediate, evolving stage of this “work in progress” that spreads like a proliferation of thought, establishing links and exchanges that then help to create other connections. The process is inspired by the way in which the cell systems grow in living organisms, with immigrant and feeding flows, reflecting the passion for science that motivates the artist, who trained as a mathematician.
Drawing, which is the essential embodiment of Fabrice Hyber’s artistic thinking, is at the origin of all his works, and is even incorporated into his Peintures Homéopathiques (Homeopathic Paintings), these large paintings that the artist designs as story-boards containing all his thoughts and creations on a theme over a number of years. From these drawings emerge paintings, sculptures, installations, videos and POF – Prototypes d’Objets en Fonctionnement (Prototypes of Objects in Operation) created since 1991, the forms of which engender unusual behaviour, such as those imagined in 2005 for Angelin Preljocaj’s ballet Les quatre saisons (The Four Seasons).
His protean art is also rooted in every field of expression of life and proliferates in many forms. In 1991, he held the record for making the world’s biggest bar of soap, designed as a self-portrait; in 1994 he founded a limited company to encourage dialogue between artists and companies; in 2001 he started up the C’hyber rally, and also spent four years creating l’Artère, a monumental ceramic border installed in the Parc de la Villette, Paris, in 2006.
In recent years, his pictorial work found expression in teeming canvases, often covered with Epoxy resin, with complex compositions full of substance.
The important monograph Hyber, published by Flammarion in 2009, reveals all the power of the artist’s work, who, to date, is the youngest to have been awarded the “Golden Lion” at the Venice Biennial, in 1997.