Dupin (George)
George Dupin was born in 1966 and works and lives in Paris. He graduated from the Institut des Hautes études en arts plastiques and got his National diploma of plastic expression in 1990. George Dupin leads his research according to two axis: on one part, a photographic process that describes new contemporary subjects, and on the other part, a reflection on modalities and places of artistic representation. Since 1996, George Dupin’s work addresses contemporary mechanisms that manage modern cities such as Dubaï, Jérusalem, Pékin, Hérouville-Saint-Clair, Marne-la-Vallée, Sao Paulo… Unlike Eugène Atget and his nostalgia for a Paris that is disappearing behind new arteries created by Haussmann, George Dupin’s images attempt to show the emergence of new shapes. George Dupin doesn’t put the modernity of a gaze in place, but the will to confront himself to the world’s modernity. This attention he pays to the world essentially relies on architecture, urban functioning and the chaos resulting from global overpopulation.