Philippe Favier - Noir
What characterizes Philippe Favier’s work, built up over a couple of decades, is doubtless its consistent inventiveness and the liberty he accords to upsetting the images he initiates. In our society, given to labeling, it’s a bit tricky to appear at each exhibit with a brand-new look… But for more than thirty years, and after three retrospectives (one of which was held at the Jeu de Paume museum), it is plain to see, that with an undeniable coherence, Favier has succeeded in creating one of the richest and most original bodies of work of his generation.
The vocation of the Maison européenne de la photographie is to show works that “turn” around the medium of film. In the four halls consecrated to that, all the works presented (about one hundred) adhere to this principle. For someone too easily pigeonholed in the “painting aisle,” it is not without a little mischievousness that he is happy to present, for the first time together, his “photographic” works...